Friday, March 7, 2008

Things I don't really need but kind of want....

So I was walking around Sur la table yesterday at lunch looking for bottles to jar my ginger sweet and sour mixer in (can you say happy holidays!) and finding nothing that struck my fancy in that department.  I did find these...silicone egg poaching cups, that I totally do NOT need, but kind of want.  You see, i love a good poached eggs and have yet to find a egg poaching device that really works for me.  Usually after using it once I toss the device thinking "what's the point?" I've been just throwing the egg straight into the water and you know it works if you don't mind fishing out the whites that have separated from the rest of the egg.  Good enough for myself in the morning on some toast, not good enough to serve guests.  So every time I see a new device I am overcome with the urge to buy.  I resisted yesterday but they are only 9.95 for a set of two and they ARE very pretty shades of green so who knows how long my will power will last.  The other thing I found and resisted, was these lovely french canning jars.  They where the perfect size for the marmalade I am planning on making, nicely shaped with glass lids.  Now they are not the kind that the lid is hinged with a metal contraption.  No the glass lid just sit on top, dipping down inside the jar slightly.  Very pretty and very functional and very expensive.  I thought long and hard about how much I really like the people who would be receiving the marmalade and then decided they could do with good ol' bell jars, and I could save myself roughly 2 buck a jar that way.  35 dollars (ish I don't really remember but the exact cost and they are not on Sur la tables web site, so I can not fact check while pretending to be working if you know what I mean) for 12 jars just seemed a little pricey for me.  Pretty though and when I actually get serious enough to start really putting together little homemade holiday packages (I plan on it every year and it NEVER happens, so don't put to much stock in serious nature of the above mentioned "mixer bottle search") then maybe I will invest in some pretty jars.  Until then you will take your homemade marmalade in the type of canning jar your grandmother used and you'll like it!  

1 comment:

Teresa said...

those poachers are so cool!